The story of Garrison Leather Care is uniquely American.  The company's founder traces his ancestry back multiple generations to 1718 -- indeed, he is a descendant of the famous Earp clan of wild west lore.


His family consisted of generations of cattlemen and ranchers where leather (gloves, boots, chaps, jackets, reins, saddles, and bridles) were tools of the trade.  Tools that were subjected to the harshest conditions: blazing heat, torrential downpours, and raging blizzards.  These leather tools were fundamental to their very existence, and had to be preserved and protected.


Perhaps no other leather was subjected to more abuse than the  iconic cowboy boot.  Worn daily, regardless of weather, cowboy boots might rub against stirrups on long cattle drives or when breaking a bronco.  They were worn doing chores such as trudging through fields tending to cattle or when walking miles mending fence line.  And all the while, they were exposed to snow, puddles, mud, rocks, and the destructive acids of livestock waste.


It is from this rough pioneering tradition that our products were created to protect hard-use leather.  But, because we use only the highest-quality components,  our products are suitable for even the finest dress and exotic leathers.  High-quality leather represents a significant investment, that, if properly maintained, can last a lifetime or longer.








Why Natural & Non-Toxic?


Every  Garrison Leather Care product is a blend of all-natural, non-toxic ingredients.    Our conditioners and protectants never contain cheap ingredients like paraffin wax, petroleum distillates, neatsfoot oil, solvents, silicones, or synthetics.  Indeed, we use only the highest-grade natural ingredients.  We  have always been, and will always be, committed to producing superior products that are effective and safe!  We never cut corners.


The leather care industry routinely uses synthetic chemicals--many of which are known to be toxic.  But because leather is often used against the skin, these synthetics chemicals can be absorbed through the skin's pores.  Increasingly, studies point to a person's "toxic burden" as a contributing factor to poor health.


So we remain mindful that our skin comes into contact with baseball gloves, wallets, purses, jackets, and all matter of leather items routinely.  Thus, the safety of Garrison Leather Care Products make them well-suited not only for humans, but also  equestrian leather where tack is routinely pressed against the horse.


The products of Garrison Leather Care are second-to-none in quality and performance.  We are pleased to offer our family's proprietary formulas to you.  Thanks for your consideration!



Colorado Made & Rocky Mountain Tested


Garrison Leather Care

P.O. Box 795

Pine, CO 80470




Our founder's first cousin- five generations removed- Wyatt Earp

Our founder's father (middle) with a

Champion Black Angus bull.